姓名:Chih-Hung Chang 張志宏
最高學歷:PhD in Research Methodology and Quantitative Psychology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
2. 國際多項知名期刊Ad Hoc Reviewer:Artificial Intelligence for Human Function and Disability, International Society for Quality of Life Research, Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Assessment, Archives of Internal Medicine, Applied Psychological Measurement, BMC Cancer Research, BMC Medical Research Methodology, The Breast, Cancer, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Clinical Journal of Pain, Depression and Anxiety, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Evolutionary Bioinformatics, Health Education Research, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society。
4. Outstanding Reviewer:Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
5. Principal Investigator Eligible for Continuous Grant Submission (for temporary members with recent substantial review service), National Institutes of Health.